The 2023 Androscoggin Amateur Radio Club field day was a HUGE success! There were 38 people in attendance. Thank you to all who assisted in the logistics, operations and general participation to make it an enjoyable weekend. The two biggest winners of Field Day were interaction with visitors and getting newer hams on the air. Sun Journal showed up on Saturday and turned around an article in Sunday morning’s paper which helped promote the event.
Several folks gathered on Friday evening at 6:00 to assist in setting up: Club President, Keith Anoe (KE4UCW), Club Vice President Cory Golob (KU1U), Club Treasurer, Mike Bullins (KO4PPM), Simon Golob (KC1TAV at that time), Ron Dahle (KC1QLG) with a prospective future ham Pete, and Marjorie Turner (KX1I). Onlookers were fascinated to see Mike pilot his drone up and over the trees to drop the rope (video is posted on the W1NPP Facebook page). This was certainly a different method than using a sling shot, fishing pole or potato cannon. Once the ends were taken care of, the Cobra Ultralite Senior was raised. The antenna performed very well over the weekend. The second antenna was raised Saturday morning, a 40-meter dipole. Mike also experimented with his Buddipole portable antenna.
Mike Bullins (KO4PPM) piloting his Mavric Pro Drone with Ron Dahle (KC1QLG) and his friend Pete tending the line
Twelve club members participated in some fashion with the Field Day event, which means 26 people not associated with the club had partaken in the festivities! That is an incredible outreach and by the end of the weekend, the Androscoggin ARC had signed up three brand new members. Bit by bit, the club is growing. The interaction with people was amazing. Folks showed up to learn about amateur radio, ask questions about our group and even sit down to operate a radio with a GOTA Coach.
Left to Right: Mike Garvin (KC1RCG), Leasa Garvin (KC1RCF), Phil Duggan (N1EP), Paul Leonard (KE6PIJ)
I cannot think of a year where there was more enthusiasm to operate! There were 7 operators on the W1NPP station and several Coaches though we did not qualify to have a GOTA Station since we were one station short. Simon, who received his vanity call on Saturday morning, N1URA, operated the call of W1NPP and raked in 92% of the W1NPP contacts. Overall, that station had 66 contacts.
We had 5 youths, under the age of 18, make at least 1 contact during field day which made their day and earned us 100 bonus points for Youth Contacts (20 points per Youth, max of 100 points). If you glanced at the Sun Journal for Sunday, there were two photos of Simon Golob (N1URA) and Joe Grace (W1SK). Leasa Garvin (KC1RCF) attended with her husband Mike (KC1RCG). The couple traveled down for Field Day (they live in Fryeburg and stay in Hebron during the Summer). Leasa made her first ever HF contact. She has her General class license. A guest operator stopped by Sunday morning, David Braley (KC1HRW) to see the operation and made his first ever contact on ham radio after being licensed for several years. David also has his General class license. He lives in Farmingdale and mostly listens to the repeaters using his Icom ID-4100A in his Jeep, but I have a good feeling that after this weekend, he is going to be more interested in trying to get on the air more. The W1NPP station was a complete success in that it got people on the air.
Lilliana (Jennifer Lepkowski – KC1QIJ’s daughter making a contact with Cory KU1U as Coach) as their friends watch on
Back Row Left to Right: Mike Bagley (NU1H), Mike Garvin (KC1RCG)
Front Row Left to Right: Cory Golob (KU1U), Leasa Garvin (KC1RCF)
Leasa getting excited as she makes several HF contacts
Simon getting into the grove as he operates as W1NPP – Icom 7100 on 20-Meters using a Cobra Ultralite Senior Antenna
Elizabeth Donnell (KB1ZHN) from Greene also attended the weekend festivities. She made a contact on the W1NPP station as well. She was looking for assistance in how to get more involved with the hobby and programming her radio. The club delivered in offering resources to help transition her curiosity into results. Club members will be reaching out to her to help get her on the air. She brought her Yaesu FT-60R handheld with several questions which were answered by the time she left Beaver Park. This is what Field Day is all about, showing people how to get involved while using their own interests as a compass. While the meetings do not work for her schedule, you can rest assured that we will be staying in touch with her to help her along the way and make sure she can stay engaged with the hobby.
Elizabeth Donnell (KB1ZHN) Right
Coach Joe Grace (W1SK) Left
The Androscoggin ARES/RACES group ran a primary station using callsign KA1AAR and the club operated W1NPP. 279 contacts were made with 5 operators under KA1AAR.
KA1AAR Band/Mode breakdown:
Band CW Phone Dig Total %
—- — —– — —– —
80 55 55 0 110 39
40 76 65 5 146 52
20 5 16 0 21 8
15 0 2 0 2 1
— —– — —– —
Total 136 138 5 279 100
Total Contacts by Initials:
Initials Total %
——– —– —
JG (W1SK) 91 33
CG (KU1U) 73 26
MB (KO4PPM) 54 19
PL (KE6PIJ) 34 12
BMM (N1VLZ) 27 10
W1NPP Band/Mode breakdown:
Band CW Phone Dig Total %
—- — —– — —– —
80 0 17 0 17 26
40 0 0 1 1 2
20 0 42 0 42 64
15 0 6 0 6 9
— —– — —– —
Total 0 65 1 66 100
Total Contacts by Initials:
Initials Total %
——– —– —
SDAG (N1URA) 52 79
LG (KC1RCF) 6 9
DB (KC1HRW) 3 5
SMG 1 2
Our site was visited by several dignitaries from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan (N1EP) visited Saturday morning and had great conversations with the attendees. On Sunday afternoon, New England Director Fred Kemmerer (AB1OC) and his wife, New England Assistant Director, Anita Kemmerer (AB1QB) stopped in for a visit.
ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator Joe Grace (W1SK) Left
Simon Golob (KC1TAV/N1URA) Center
ARRL Maine Section Manager Phil Duggan (N1EP) Right
Group Photo – Left to Right
Brian Martin (N1VLZ), Cory Golob (KU1U), Simon Golob (KC1TAV/N1URA), Donnie Daupin (WD1F), Joe Grace (W1SK), Mike Bullins (KO4PPM), Bill Woodhead (N1KAT), Paul Leonard (KE6PIJ), Jennifer Lepkowski (KC1QIJ).
Brian Martin (N1VLZ) operating Primary Field Day Station KA1AAR – Yaesu FT-991A with a 40-meter Dipole
Mike Bullins KO4PPM Operating 40-Meter Phone on Primary Field Day Station KA1AAR using his Yaesu FT-991A with a Halfwave Dipole
Androscoggin EMA Van and Trailer
Cory Golob (KU1U – Not Pictured) and Donnie Dauphin (WD1F) doing a Winlink Packet demonstration, sending 8 radiograms via the N1QFY-10 Gateway on 145.07 MHz in West Gardiner from Beaver Park
The 2023 Field Day operation was incredibly successful. People who showed up over the weekend came away with having understood the hobby a little better, got to know the club and what we are trying to achieve, had their questions answered, got a chance to participate in operating, made new connections with friends and had a wonderful time sitting around enjoying each others company. The weather could not deter the enthusiasm and participation of Field Day at Beaver Park this year. Looking forward to next year’s field day and improving upon what what achieved this time around.
I will be submitting two separate logs, one as W1NPP and one as KA1AAR. A Club Aggregate Score will be used.
73 DE KU1U
Cory Golob
Vice President
Androscoggin ARC