AARC By-Laws



Amended July 5, 2023

Article I –– Purpose

 To further exchange of information and co-operation between persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, to promote radio knowledge, friendship; individual operation efficiency; to conduct club programs and activities to advance the general interest and welfare of the amateur radio community; and for social and recreational purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or the corresponding provisions of any future United States Internal Revenue law.


 All persons interested in Amateur Radio shall be eligible for membership as provided here.

There shall be one or more class of members, and the information required by §402. All people interested in Amateur Radio communication shall be eligible for membership.

 Section 1. MEMBERSHIP CLASS AND TYPE. The Corporation shall have two (2) Membership classes (paid and awarded) and six (6) types of memberships:

 a) LICENSED MEMBERS (Paid) – Open to any licensed amateur radio operator. It includes all club privileges as well as the right to hold office and vote.

 b) UNLICENSED MEMBERS (Paid) – Open to all other people interested in Amateur Radio. It includes all club privileges except for the right to office and vote.

 c) LIFE MEMBERS (Paid) Open to any licensed Amateur Radio operator. It includes all club privileges as well as the right to hold office and vote.

  d) FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS (Paid) Open to any licensed amateur radio operator and licensed family members. It includes all club privileges as well as the right to hold office and vote.

e) HONORARY (Awarded) – May be awarded by the Membership with a majority vote of members present at any club meeting. The Honorary Membership may be awarded to any individual in recognition of long and outstanding service to the club. It includes all club privileges as well as the right to hold office and vote.

 f) NEWLY LICENSED HAM OPERATOR (Awarded) – Is awarded to licensed Amateur Radio operators that have received their initial license. It includes all club privileges except for the right to office. Membership is good for one year.

Section 2. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AND RENEWAL. Application for membership (Initial and renewal) may be submitted and paid for in person at club meetings and events or online on the club website. Initial application approval will be approved or disapproved at the next club meeting as appropriate. Applications that are disapproved will receive a full refund of membership fees.


Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of members shall be held the first Wednesday of April each year at such place as shall be designated in a notice of the meeting.

Section 2. REGULAR MEETINGS. Regular meetings shall be held at 6:30 PM on the first Wednesday of each calendar month at such place as the President shall order.

Section 3. SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Board of Directors or upon (written)request of any five club members. Notices shall be sent to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted. Only such business as designated shall be transacted. Such notices shall be postmarked if mailed, or dated if electronic means is used at least 7 days prior to the meeting time.

Section 4. QUORUM. At meetings provided for in section 1, 2, 3, of this article, a quorum shall constitute a minimum of five (5) members and a vote of two thirds of members present shall be needed to pass any transaction.


Section 1. The officers of this corporation shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and such officers as shall from time to time be chosen.

Section 2. Such officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by a majority vote of the members present and shall hold office until the Annual Meeting of the following year or until such time as their respective successors shall be elected. Officers must be nominated individually at the meeting preceding the Annual Meeting so that prospective officers will be known to the membership before the Annual Meeting election. The election will be a secret ballot totaled by the current Secretary and a club member selected at the meeting by the membership present at the meeting. Members shall be validated by the Secretary prior to any votes conducted at any business meeting. Members must be in good standing at the time of a vote. Video voting is authorized but will not be a secret ballot. The current Secretary will manage the vote and must see the club member casting the vote to him/her to count.

 Vacancies occurring in the offices may be filled by majority vote of members present at any regular or special meeting.

Section 3. All officers will acknowledge their duties and responsibilities as defined in the By-Laws in writing and submit for record to the secretary for record.

Section 4. Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the membership.


Section 1. PRESIDENT. Shall preside at all meetings of this club and conduct the same according to the rules adopted. He/she shall enforce due observance of the articles of incorporation and By-Laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the club, and no others, and perform all other customary duties pertaining to the office of President.

Section 2. VICE-PRESIDENT. Shall assume all duties of the president in absence of the latter. He/she shall also serve as chairperson of the activities committee.

Section 3. SECRETARY. Shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of all members, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and disseminate written meeting notices to all members. He/she shall keep the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the club and have the same available at every meeting. He/she shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by the members of the club upon request.

Section 4. TREASURER. Shall receive in receipt for all monies paid to the club. He/she shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expanded. He/she shall pay no bills over $50 without proper authorization by the club or the Board of Directors. At each regular meeting he/she shall submit an itemized statement of receipt and disbursement. At each Annual Meeting he/she shall submit an Annual Report for the fiscal year and he/she shall at the expiration of his/her term of office turn over everything in his/her possession belonging to the club to his/her successor. He/she shall submit his/her financial records to the Board of Directors for audit by the board at least once a year.


 The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate Past-President. Vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meeting. The President shall act as Chairperson.


 An Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held at the same time and place as the Annual Meeting of members. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President, or by two members of the board, and shall be held at the same time and place designated in the notice of such meeting. Notice of any Special Meeting shall be mailed, emailed or given by the Secretary to each Director at least five days before the date of the meeting. A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


 An Activities Committee, a Technical Committee, a Public Relations Committee Chairpersons shall be appointed annually by the President. Such other standing or special committees may be appointed by the Board of Directors, or a majority of the membership as may be deemed necessary.

Section 1. Activities Committee shall organize club member activities, plan, and recommend contests for operating benefit in advance of club interest in activities approved by the club. Shall maintain close liaison with the ARRL Androscoggin County Emergency Coordinator (EC) or the Maine Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) to further club participation in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). Encourage newly licensed Amateur Radio operators and report activities to both the club and ARRL Section Manager (SM). Formulate action plans to help mitigate any cases of reported interference to amateur radio stations or to other radio services caused by an(y) amateur stations operating in the area. Amateur Radio activities will improve the reputation of the club and bolster the community.

 The Vice President shall serve as a Chairperson of the Activities Committee. He/She may appoint an assistant to aid him/her and specific branches of activity.

Section 2. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE. Shall be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the clubs’ repeaters and all associated equipment. It shall formulate adequate plans for mitigation of any cases of reported interference to Amateur Radio stations or to other radio services caused by an amateur station operating in Androscoggin County. The committee will provide technical advice to members concerning equipment and station design while operating to assist in frequency observance, clean signals, uniform practice, and assist club members in calculating and minimizing RF exposure from their stations.

Section 3. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE. Shall maintain a program to foster and guide the public relations of the club.

Article IX — TRUSTEE

 The Trustee shall be responsible for the club license and the use of the same. He/She shall be entitled to free membership for as long as he/she remains Trustee. The Trustee will be appointed in writing by the current Board of Directors and remain as the Trustee until a new one is appointed by the Board of Directors. He/she will also be the second name on the club bank account as a backup to the Treasurer in his or her absence.

Article X — DUES

 The club by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for providing funds for operating expenses and to carry on the business of the club within its objectives set forth in its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. Non-payment of such dues in assessment shall be cause for expulsion from the club two (2) months after they are due and payable. Any new licensed Amateur Radio operator shall be given a one (1) year free membership upon acceptance of his/her application for membership. The Trustee shall be given free membership for as long as he/she serve as Trustee. Yearly membership dues shall be paid upon acceptance of application for membership and yearly thereafter during the anniversary month of such acceptance.


 The Corporation’s fiscal year shall be from April 1 to March 31 of the following year.

Article XII — Amendments

 The Articles of Incorporation and/or the By-Laws may be amended by a majority vote of the total membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular, special, or annual meeting and shall be voted on at the next following meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail email and posting on the club website of the intent to amend the Articles of Incorporation and/or the By-Laws at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting day that such amendments shall be voted upon.

Article XIII — RULES

 Roberts Rules shall govern proceedings at all meetings.
